about W4W

Easter is the celebration of Christ’s victory over sin, death, and evil. It is the high point of the Christian faith, a moment to pause and reflect on the significance of divine love in human form. Yet Easter in North America is often overshadowed by the spectacle of Christmas and fractured by competing claims for our attention.

Lent, the forty days leading up to Easter, has traditionally been a time of waiting—clearing away these distractions and preparing for Christ’s illuminating presence. Waiting for Water (W4W) is a movement aimed at refocusing our attention on Christ during the Easter season. Together, churches across North America prepare for Easter by learning about water poverty, reflecting on Christ’s suffering and sacrifice, and giving up an activity or indulgence. This process culminates with a joyous Easter celebration and an opportunity for participants to give out of their abundance in order to provide a cup of safe water in Christ’s name.

“And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is known to be my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly be rewarded.” –Matthew 10:42