Lithuanian blynai courtesy of |
So many pancakes. Every scrap of space on the cheap
dorm-room table was covered with Lithuanian blynai: rolled around gooseberry
jam, nestled with a type of cottage cheese called värske, or stuffed with meat.
In the center of the table towered a crumb-covered rye meal cake, twenty or so layers
of alternating sponge and crème. Bottles of juice and beer clinked merrily on a
shelf, while my classmates, disguised in peasant skirts, scarves, and wild
makeup, stomped and whirled to the music blaring from a CD player.
“Remind me what this is again,” I bawled into Inga’s ear.
She smiled and articulated carefully through frosted pink lips: “Shrove
Shrove Tuesday? There had to be something lost in
translation here. It was a dark February night, and I had been settling in for
homework and a mug of tea when Inga had burst in and dragged me down the hall
for a party. A tall boy with curly blonde hair who a few hours earlier sat
beside me listening to a European history lecture now wore blue eye shadow and
smeared lipstick under a flowered scarf as he bobbed around the room, snapping
up pancakes between dances.
I didn’t know what sudden madness had caused all the hubbub,
but I couldn’t contemplate it for long anyway; my roommate Nomeda pulled me up
from my chair, scrawled some lipstick on my face, and flung me into the dance.
As I later learned (but you probably already knew), Shrove
Tuesday, also known as Fat Tuesday, is just the traditional celebration which marks the
beginning of Lent. This year Fat Tuesday falls on February 21st. We’ll
talk more about Ash Wednesday and Lent and Easter soon, but for now … Share
with us about your experiences with Fat Tuesday. Then make some pancakes and
put on a little dancing music!
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